Business Whatsapp Sender Custom Modded

As requested by One of our Subscribers We have Modded A stable version for Whatsapp Business Sender With advance features like Whatsapp Group Scrapping


Business Whatsapp Sender Modded is a  Marketing software which  is most popular solution to send bulk WA notification messages. It's a software to developed for to grow your business

 Features and benefits of Software. 

1. Save your hours of work. 

2. Send unlimited messages, images, videos, audio and other files, and many more... 

3. Grab Group Links from Google & Auto join them 

4. Imports contacts either manually or from the file. 

5. Can grab unknown numbers from groups

6. Can filters Whatsapp number from the Customer base

7. Send Whatsapp messages to contacts even if they are not saved in your address book. 

8.can also find category - wise Whatsapp group or number and post into those groups. 

9. Bulk check Whatsapp and non-Whatsapp phone numbers. 

10. Ability to see the report of the campaign

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