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Linkedin data Extractor

                                                                                                                              Navrathri Release

Extracts important data from LinkedIn: Email (if any), Phone (if any), Address, Connection, Country, Current Company, Current Position, Education, First Name, Image Name, Industry, Input Keyword URL, Keyword Resulted URL, Last Name, Pagesource Reference Number, Source url, State, Website

Generate sales leads on autopilot from your LinkedIn profile

Linkleadin helps you automate generation of quality B2B and B2C sales leads by extracting information from public profiles. It is a lead generation and sales prospecting software. 
Linkleadin has features like:
1. Broadcast - Send a message to 1st Connections
2.Extract emails & Phone Numbers Of your connections
3. Auto-Connect - Send requests to 2nd or 3rd connections
4. Endorse Contacts - Endorse 1 or many skills automatically
5. Remove Connections - Remove connections from your network
6. Withdraw Invites - Withdraw invites from your network
7. Create Contact List - Extract information and export

All data can be exported as a CSV/Xls file

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